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Nominations for the WVA Global Veterinary Awards of 2025 are open!

The World Veterinary Association (WVA) and Ceva Sante Animale (Ceva) are happy to announce that the period for nominations for the WVA Global Veterinary Awards of 2025 is now open! The WVA Global Veterinary Awards comprises 6 awards of 5000 Euros each. These Awards recognise four veterinarians and one veterinary student for their work across the four Strategic Objectives of the WVA – One Health, Medicines Stewardship, Animal Welfare, Veterinary Education.

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WVA announces theme for World Veterinary Day 2025 – Animal Health Takes a Team

WVA is pleased to announce that the theme for World Veterinary Day 2025 will be “Animal Health Takes a Team” . This theme highlights the collaborative nature of veterinary practice and underscores the essential role that multiple professionals play in delivering high-quality veterinary services.

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The 40th World Veterinary Association Congress in conjunction with AVMA Convention 2025

The World Veterinary Association Congress of 2025 (WVAC2025) is hosted by American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) in Washington DC, between 18th and 22nd of July, and occurs in conjunction with the AVMA Convention. It’s never too early to start planning your unforgettable WVAC2025/AVMA Convention experience – learn how!

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Exciting Opportunity for PhD Candidates in Planetary Health and One Health Education

The World Veterinary Association (WVA) One Health Education Subgroup is offering a unique opportunity for a current PhD candidate whose thesis involves the analysis of Planetary Health and/or One Health education. This collaborative project aims to drive meaningful change in the teaching of Planetary Health and One Health in universities worldwide. The initiative brings together a diverse set of global health-related professional associations and presents a valuable opportunity to influence the future of education in these critical areas.

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Humans, animals and environment

One Planet – One Health

I want to welcome you to access the World Veterinary Association website. In it, we want to show who we are and what we do to be the voice of the global veterinary medicine. We want to be recognized, respected and trusted to influence worldwide in our task to improve animal health, animal welfare, public health and the environment, in short, for the good of humanity, animals and our planet.

The WVA is a federation of veterinary associations based on the respect for diversity that makes us stronger. Mutual collaboration and solidarity are our signs of authenticity. And science, education and advocacy are the instruments to achieve our goals.

For a global association like ours, communication is essential. But this communication must be bidirectional, so I want to encourage you, dear guest, to send us your ideas through our contact section or any other way.

Thank you for the time you spend visiting our website, now and in the future.”

Dr. Rafael Laguens, WVA President

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WVA Position Statements

Pharmaceutical Stewardship Pharmaceutical Stewardship

28 Dec 2024

WVA Position Statement on Responsible Use of Antimicrobials

Antimicrobials play a crucial role in maintaining animal health and welfare. However, their use can lead to the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), posing significant threats to both animal and human health. In response to this pressing issue, the WVA advocates for responsible antimicrobial use guided by risk-benefit analysis, veterinary oversight, regulatory control, and ongoing […]

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Animal Welfare Animal Welfare

8 Aug 2024

Factsheet on Welfare of Farmed Fish

Aquaculture production as a source of dietary protein is increasing by 6-8% annually to meet the needs of a rapidly growing global human population. Over 214 million tonnes of farmed fish are produced each year around the world for human consumption. Research has demonstrated that fish are sentient, but they are rarely afforded the same level of protection as sentient terrestrial animals. WVA promotes the development and enforcement of appropriate national welfare standards and regulations for aquaculture, training in aquatic veterinary medicine and investment in education and capacity-building to ensure proper care, welfare, and management of aquatic animals.

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Animal Welfare Animal Welfare

26 Jul 2024

WVA Position Statement on the Role of Veterinarians in Aquatic Animal Health

The WVA and World Aquatic Veterinary Medical Association (WAVMA) urge their members to engage with authorities and statutory bodies to improve the regulation of the practice of veterinary medicine in the field of aquatic animals; restricting such practice to licensed/registered veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals who work under the supervision of veterinarians.

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Animal Welfare Animal Welfare

18 Apr 2024

Factsheet on Donkey Skin Trade and Welfare of Donkeys

Demand for ejiao is increasing, leading to global trade and poaching of donkeys. Almost 6 million skins currently being harvested annually to be used to produce collagen for a  traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), called eijiao. The rampant killing of donkeys for the skin trade leads to the impoverishment of local communities, loss of opportunities for women, and impairs access to education for children, water provision and agricultural sustainability. The global donkey population stands at~53.4million. The donkey population in China alone has decreased from ~11 million in 1992 to just under 2 million in 2020 (FAOSTAT,2021). 

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