Hundred-fifty years ago, in 1863, Dr J. Gamgee convened a first International Veterinary Congress. This initiative grew into the World Veterinary Association (WVA) today. The WVA unites and represents the global veterinary profession. It is the umbrella organization for National Veterinary. Associations and International associations of veterinarians working in different areas of veterinary medicine. The WVA continues the ambition of Dr Gamgee to bring veterinarians from all over the world together, to share experiences, to exchange ideas and to join forces for the promotion and development of veterinary medicine. The WVA defends the interest of the health and welfare of animals and people as well as the interest of its member organisations and their members.

The World Veterinary Association is recognized and respected as the trusted and influential voice of global veterinary medicine.
To provide global leadership for the veterinary profession and promote animal health and welfare and public health, through advocacy, education, and partnership.