WVA Activity Report 2023
This activity report presents our accomplishments since the last WVA GA, held in April in Taipei, Taiwan, thanks to the dedication and efforts of all those persons who make up the Council, the various Committees and Working Groups, and the Secretariat. The support of WVA member organisations has been essential in achieving our goals and we must also remember the importance of collaboration with stakeholders and sponsors.
WVA Strategic Plan 2020 – 2025
In March of 2020, the WVA Council adopted the WVA Strategic Planning Working Group’s (SPWG) proposal for the 2020 – 2025 WVA Strategy. Understanding there are limitless issues of importance, and taking into consideration the input received from Constituent Members, key partners, and the WVA Council in the pre-meeting surveys, the WVA elected to focus on four priority areas:
- Animal Welfare
- Pharmaceutical Stewardship
- Veterinary Education
- One Health
WVA Constitution and Bylaws
The World Veterinary Association (WVA) Constitution and Bylaws defines the structure of the Association, including membership categories, officer structure, governing bodies, and meetings.
Administrative Procedures Manual of the World Veterinary Association
The World Veterinary Association (WVA) Administrative Procedures Manual (APM) lays down procedures to be followed by the Association, its Governing Bodies, Member Organizations and Secretariat, in carrying out the activities and fulfilling the goals of the Association as laid down in the WVA Constitution and ByLaws.