Organisational Structure
The WVA Organisational Structure is:
WVA General Assembly
The General Assembly (GA) is the Association’s most important platform for discussion and policy making. It is attended by representatives of all WVA Member Associations.
WVA Council
The Council comprises the President, President Elect, Immediate Past President, and 14 elected representatives from different world regions and International Organisations members.
WVA Committees and Working Groups
The WVA Committees and Working Groups comprise the Council members and Ad hoc members that were nominated by the WVA member associations to support and to strengthen the work and expertise of these groups.
WVA Secretariat
The WVA secretariat based in Brussels, Belgium. The secretariat is responsible for daily management of the Association, communication, maintenance and development of Membership.
John de Jong

Isao Kurauchi

Immediate Past President
Rafael Laguens

Councillor for Africa
James Ouma

Councillor for Africa
Nandinpha Toyota Ndudane

Councillor for Asia and Oceania
Chou Chin-Cheng

Councillor for Asia and Oceania
Mark Schipp

Councillor for Europe
Slaven Grbić

Councillor for Europe
Petra Sindern

Councillor for Latin America
Helio Blume

Councillor for Latin America
Arturo Carlos Sánchez Mejorada Porras

Councillor for Middle East and North Africa
Salah Al-Shami

Councillor for Middle East and North Africa
Anis Bouraba

Councillor for North America
Shannon Mesenhowski

Councillor for North America
Enid Stiles

Councillor for International Regional Organisations
Olatunji Nasir

Councillor for International Discipline-Centered Organisations
Hilton J Klein

WVA Secretariat
Executive Manager
Magda Lourenço

Policy Officer
Yvonne Nino