In the WVA Strategic Plan for 2020-2025 , the WVA prioritized four core issues: Animal Welfare, Pharmaceutical Stewardship, Veterinary Education and One Health.
As a results, four Strategic Working Groups were formed to initiate projects and position statements on these topics. More information on each group and their activities can be found below:
Animal Welfare Working Group (AW-WG)

Dr Enid Stiles
- to raise awareness of current and ongoing animal welfare issues globally.
- to develop and maintain key partnerships with other global AW advocacy groups.
- to promote animal welfare education and training within the veterinary curriculum and as a critical component of veterinary continuing professional development.
The AW-WG have launched two position statements this year: “Humane Care of Animal Used in Biomedical Research” and the WVA PS on “Pain Management in Farmed Animals”. In addition, WVA commissioned paper on “Pain Management in Farm Animals: Focus on Cattle, Sheep and Pigs” was selected as a candidate for the Animals 2023 Best Paper Award.
The AW-WG have started the revision of the WVA past position statements on Control of Inappropriately Aggressive Dogs to ensure that are still inline with the WVA vision and mission. Our current factsheets on Working Equid Welfare and Food Animals During Transportation, are under our 5 year mandated review. We have created a sugroup to work on the development of a new position statement on Animal Welfare in War and Conflicts.
One Health Working Group (OH-WG)

Dr Mark Schipp
- Identify and develop opportunities for veterinary professionals to contribute their expertise and leadership in One Health.
- Facilitate and encourage the capacity building necessary to meet the challenges associated with a One Health approach.
- Develop resources and guidelines for use by veterinary and allied organisations to promote education and advocacy on the importance of One Health.
The WG has published a position statement on One Health Education. The WG is working on the WVA Position Statement on One Health to be sent to all WVA members for their comments. The WG has also reviewed the WVA PS on “Dog-Mediated Rabies” and the PS on “Owned and Unowned Free-roaming dogs”.
The OH-WG chose the topic for the One Health Summit that took place during the WVA Congress 2023 under the theme “Environment, an essential element of One Health”.
Veterinary Education Working Group (VE-WG)

Dr James Ouma
- To improve the quality of veterinary education and continuing education for veterinary students, veterinarians, and veterinary para-professionals around the world.
- To improve access to veterinary medical education globally.
- To support OIE Day One competencies in veterinary education.
The group has reviewed the WVA Position Statement on ‘Veterinary Paraprofessionals” and “Identifying a veterinarian”.
The VE-WG has been involved in the evaluation of the more than 500 applications received for the 2022 WVA-MSD Veterinary Students Scholarships. A VE-WG subgroup worked on a joint WVA-CIVME project on Global Quality Standards for Veterinary Education.
In 2023 the WVA Seminar on Veterinary Education will be held during the WVA Congress 2023.
Pharmaceutical Stewardship Working Group (PS-WG)

Dr Olatunji Nasir
- Advocate for the availability and access to quality pharmaceuticals and biologics for veterinarians worldwide.
- Develop a list of essential veterinary pharmaceuticals that should be available for use by food animal practitioners.
- Contribute to global AMR discussions as they pertain to veterinarians and their access to and use of antimicrobials.
The focus of the effort was to launch the ‘Essential Medicines List’ project, in collaboration with the Brooke. More information on this project can be found under ‘Projects’.
The WG has also published an updated version of the Position Statement ‘In opposition to international scheduling of Ketamine‘ and is currently working on a webinar on ‘Illicit use of Veterinary Drugs – from ketanine to xylazine’ to happen in December of 2023.