
23 Dec 2024

4th Global High-Level Ministerial Conference on AMR and 2nd Plenary Assembly of the AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform

A month after the UN High-Level Meeting on AMR in September, the 4th Global High-Level AMR Ministerial Meeting took place in Saudi Arabia on 15th and 16th November 2024. This gathering aimed to strengthen the common roadmap and set clear deliverables to combat the alarming rise in antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in humans, animals, and plants. The meeting underscored the importance of a comprehensive One Health approach to successfully contain AMR, culminating in the adoption of the “Jeddah Commitments.”

On 16 November 2024, the WVA participated in the 2nd Plenary Assembly of the AMR Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Platform (AMR MSPP), held alongside the Ministerial Conference. The event brought together over 140 stakeholders from across the globe, including governments, intergovernmental organizations, academia, civil society, the private sector, and UN agencies. The discussions focused on accelerating global efforts to combat AMR under the theme: “From Declaration to Implementation: Accelerating Actions Through Multisectoral Partnerships for the Containment of AMR.”

The Plenary focused on unpacking the UNGA Political Declaration on AMR, which identified six key commitment areas, and examined how to translate these into actionable steps. WVA Policy Officer Yvonne Niño emphasised the role of veterinary professionals in the fight against AMR, underscoring the critical link between animal health, human health, and environmental sustainability.

WVA representatives collaborated in interactive sessions to unpack the UNGA High-Level Meeting on AMR and its Political Declaration. The team contributed to identifying solutions, success indicators, and priority stakeholders, laying the groundwork for a multi-stakeholder roadmap.

Key discussions also emphasised the urgency of budgeting National Action Plans (NAPs) on AMR, mobilising sustainable financing, and ensuring access to affordable antimicrobials, especially in low-and middle-income countries. A key aspect of the Political Declaration is the importance of maintaining an Essential Medicines List to ensure equitable access to life-saving treatments. This is closely linked with the WVA and Brooke’s Essential Veterinary Medicines List, which highlights the need for prioritised access to critical veterinary medicines as part of the broader fight against AMR. Participants underlined the importance of continuing research, innovation, and capacity-building while strengthening surveillance systems at the country level.

The Plenary concluded with a renewed call to action, emphasizing the importance of partnerships across sectors and scaling up resources to address AMR. As the Plenary Assembly concluded, there was unanimous agreement: the time to act on AMR is now, and collaboration is key for success.