
20 Nov 2023

World Antimicrobial Resistance Week – Together for Public Health

AMR poses a formidable threat to humans, animals, plants, and the environment, affecting all facets of life. This year's WAAW theme promotes cross-sector collaboration to preserve the effectiveness of these critical medicines. Combatting AMR demands a united One Health approach, with all sectors coming together to promote prudent antimicrobial use and preventive measures.

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15 Nov 2023

Register to the WVA Webinar ‘Illicit use of veterinary drugs: from ketamine to xylazine’

Join us on the 7th of December! The illict use of veterinary drugs presents a growing concern with significant implications for public health and safety. WVA is organizing the webinar 'Illicit use of veterinary drugs: from ketamine to xylazine' to fill knowledge gaps, foster collaboration, raise awareness, and equip stakeholders with the necessary tools to combat the issue effectively.

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8 Nov 2023

WVA Planetary Health Survey – education gap analysis

WVA’s One Health Education Subgroup has launched a global initiative to evaluate the current Planetary Health educational efforts and gaps throughout veterinary medicine and beyond, the 'Planetary Health Survey - education gap analysis’.  This project practices the ‘One Health’ approach by collaborating with several prominent global professional and student associations from various health sectors to compare and contrast findings.

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INB and WVA’s Participation in WHO’s Pandemic Prevention Agreement

The 7th meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) began on November 6, 2023, at the WHO headquarters. This critical meeting aims to draft an international agreement for pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response. WVA is actively engaged in the discussions that will lead to the final 'Pandemic Accord'.

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25 Oct 2023

AVMA, CVMA and FVE jointly endorsed the WVA Position Statement on Use of Horses for Production of Biologics and Therapeutics

Protecting the welfare of donor horses must be a major consideration in the production of PMSG (eCG), and continued research into the development of effective alternatives, including synthetic analogs, should be prioritized. FVE, CVMA, and AVMA align with the WVA in calling for the welfare of animals under human care to be given the highest priority.

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23 Oct 2023

One Welfare Conference in Burgos, Spain

On October 10th and 11th, the Forum of Evolution in Burgos hosted the fourth One Welfare World Conference, where prominent experts from around the globe came together to provide tangible examples of the One Welfare concept and approach.

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9 Oct 2023

WVA meeting with the Chinese Veterinary Medical Association during the 10th CVMA Conference

WVA and the Chinese Veterinary Medical Association held a fruitful and in depht discussion looking for the integration of the Chinese Veterinary Medical Association as a constituent member of the World Veterinary Association, last August in China. The Standing Vice President and Secretary-General of the CVMA, Xin Shengpeng and the WVA President, Rafael Laguens, exchanged information about both organisations.

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28 Sep 2023


Today is World Rabies Day. The World Veterinary Association and the World Medical Association, are publishing a joint Press Relase on 'Educating for a Rabies-Free World' under the main campaign dar 'All for 1, One Health for all'.

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