
15 Nov 2023

Register to the WVA Webinar ‘Illicit use of veterinary drugs: from ketamine to xylazine’

The illict use of veterinary drugs presents a growing concern with significant implications for public health and safety. WVA is organizing the webinar ‘Illicit use of veterinary drugs: from ketamine to xylazine‘ to fill knowledge gaps, foster collaboration, raise awareness, and equip stakeholders with the necessary tools to combat the issue effectively. On the 7th of December we are bringing together veterinarians and other experts to contribute to acknowledging the use of not just ketamine but also xylazine and to discuss how to mitigate it.


The Webinar will be moderated by Dr Olatunji Nasir, Chairman of the WVA Pharmaceutical Stewarship Working Group, who will welcome Dr Rafael Laguens, WVA President, Dr. Kelly S. Ramsey, Internal medicine physician and a member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, Dr Lindsey Hornickel, Assistant director, Government Relations Division from the American Veterinary Medical Association and Dr Chen Hui Cheng, from the Department of Companion Animal Medicine & Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universiti Putra in Malaysia.