The 77th World Health Assembly (WHA77) was held from May 27th to June 1st in Geneva, and covered topics of global health security, universal health coverage, and sustainable financing. In his speech, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, recognised that outbreaks, disasters, conflicts, and climate change are causing death, disability, hunger, and psychological distress worldwide.
The WVA participated in the WHA77 and had the chance to meet with its WHO focal point, Dr Bernadette Abela-Rider, Team Leader Neglected Zoonotic Diseases, with colleagues from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and from the AMR Multistakeholder Partnership.
At the WHA77, members approved changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR). After two years of negotiations, they adopted key amendments based on COVID-19 lessons. The IHR, last updated 19 years ago, now has stronger rules for global health emergencies, including pandemics.
Members also agreed to extend Pandemic Agreement discussions for another year.
Strategic roundtables were held on critical topics. One roundtable, “Charting a New Path Forward for Global Action Against Antimicrobial Resistance,” prepared for the second UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AMR. This provided Member States with the opportunity to discuss the crisis of antimicrobial resistance and consider actions to save lives, protect economies, and ensure food safety and food security against AMR. Another roundtable, “Climate Change and Health: A Global Vision for Joint Action,” highlighted the urgent need for collaborative efforts to address the health impacts of climate change.