WVA and the South African Veterinary Association (SAVA) are pleased to invite you to submit abstracts to be considered for selection for the final program at the 39th World Veterinary Associafion Congress!
Submissions must be made via the online portal, and you have the option to submit an abstract either for oral or poster presentafion. Both types of presentation will have equal status, but including a poster session allows SAVA to accommodate more presenters. Depending on the number of abstracts received, the programme committee may have to select some presentations to be done in the poster session.
Full details: https://wvac2024.com/
Sub-themes within the overall theme of the congress will include Sustainability, Emerging and re-emerging diseases, Pandemics and-microbial resistance, Population control, Rehabilitation and Biosecurity within the following main congress streams: Animal Ethics and Welfare, Eidemiology, Equine, One Health, Porcine, Ruminants, Small Animals, Veterinary Nursing, Veterinary History and Wildlife & Exofics.
Important Dates
31 October 2023 – Abstract Submissions Closes
22 November 2023 – Abstract Acceptance Notifications
17 January 2024 – Final Notification of Programme Placements