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Animal Welfare
One Health
Pharmaceutical Stewardship
Veterinary Profession and Education
One Health
30 Dec 2023
WVA Position Statement on One Health
The WVA advocates and supports the advancement of One Health (OH). The health and well-being of people, animals, plants, and their interconnected ecosystems depend on strategic, effective and sustainable collaborative partnerships among professions, disciplines and societies.
Pharmaceutical Stewardship
25 Aug 2023
WVA Position Statement In Opposition To International Scheduling Of Ketamine
The World Veterinary Association (WVA) strongly objects to international control of ketamine, as this could lead to ketamine being no longer available to veterinary and medical practitioners for clinical use..
One Health
20 Jul 2023
WVA position regarding Dog-Mediated Rabies
The World Veterinary Association (WVA) supports the view that dog-mediated rabies is an entirely preventable disease and that veterinarians have a key role to play in eliminating this risk to human health, and animal health and welfare.
One Health
15 Mar 2023
WVA Position Statement on One Health Education
WVA recognizes that the One Health concep should be present in veterinary education. WVA encourages veterinary schools to conduct a multidisciplinary and collaborative approach with a One Health mind-set throughout the curriculum.
Animal Welfare
20 Jan 2023
WVA Position Statement on Pain Management in Farmed Animals
Appropriate pain recognition and management is critical for improving the welfare of farmed animals. The WVA calls on its members to advocate for better protections for farmed animal welfare in their country or region.
Animal Welfare
20 Jan 2023
WVA Position Statement on the Humane Care of Animals in Biomedical Research
Humane Care of Animal Used in Biomedical Reserarch
24 Aug 2022
WVA Policy Statements
The purpose of an organisation is defined by its Mission, Vision and Goals. To achieve them, there is a need for a coherent set of decisions and actions with common long-term objectives, relevant to the Veterinary Profession worldwide. WVA devises its policies as a projected program comprising desired objectives and the means to achieve them.
Animal Welfare
14 Apr 2022
WVA Position Statement on Depopulation of Animals in Disasters and Emergencies
Recent events have shown that pandemics, disasters, notifiable disease outbreaks, and other emergencies, which are capable of disrupting supply chains, may require animal depopulation. Planning for situations that necessitate depopulation of animals should be part of disaster preparedness at local, regional, national, and international levels.
Veterinary Profession and Education
14 Apr 2022
WVA Position Statement on the Preparation of veterinary educators to innovate veterinary medical instruction
The WVA recognizes a need to innovate and adapt veterinary educational processes in veterinary education establishments (VEEs). Well-structured and sufficiently resourced veterinary educational programs are needed to prepare veterinary students for challenges in contemporary practice and other careers (private and public practice).
Animal Welfare
14 Apr 2022
WVA Position Statement on the Use of Horses for Production of Biologics and Therapeutics
Horses are often used in the production of biologics and therapeutics to treat or prevent various conditions in humans and other animals. The welfare of all animals under human care should have the highest priority. For that reason, the WVA calls for updated and transparent management of the overall field, in which ethical and welfare […]