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Animal Welfare
One Health
Pharmaceutical Stewardship
Veterinary Profession and Education
One Health
11 Apr 2018
WVA policy on responsible use of antimicrobials
The availability and use of antimicrobials for animals is essential to ensure good animal health and welfare. However, there is a risk that, as with their use in humans, the inappropriate use of antimicrobials in animals may contribute to the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which can negatively affect human and animal health. Veterinarians are responsible for safeguarding animal and human health and this is an issue of global concern.
Veterinary Profession and Education
26 Feb 2018
WVA Position on Veterinary Statutory Body
The World Veterinary Association holds that all veterinarians should be subject to the authority of the Veterinary Statutory Body, which is established under the law of the jurisdiction or territory within which they practice veterinary medicine.
Animal Welfare
26 Feb 2018
WVA Factsheet on Donkey Skin Trade and Donkey Welfare
Donkeys are poorly suited to intensive breeding practices due to long gestation periods, low fecundity, low success rates of artificial insemination and high propensity to abortion and mortality caused by stress
One Health
22 Dec 2017
WVA Declaration of Incheon on the Role of the Veterinary Profession in One Health and EcoHealth Initiatives
The veterinary profession of 2050 will be highly skilled, educated, and trusted with expertise in One Health and EcoHealth initiatives.
Animal Welfare
4 Apr 2017
WVA Factsheet on Food Animals during Transportation
Promote development and enforcement of appropriate national animal welfare standards and regulations for transportation of food animals.
Animal Welfare
29 Mar 2017
WVA Factsheet on Working Equids
Promote the development and enforcement of equine welfare standards and regulations that are consistent with international expectations.
Veterinary Profession and Education
16 Mar 2017
WVA policy on Identifying a veterinarian
Only individuals qualified by virtue of completing appropriate education and training can be identified as a veterinary doctor, veterinarian, veterinary surgeon or any other term that implies that they are entitled to engage in the professional practice of veterinary medicine.
Veterinary Profession and Education
16 Mar 2017
WVA policy on Day One Competences
New graduate veterinarians should be able to perform according to society’s expectations. Veterinarians play a central role in the relationship between animals, animal owners, and society.
Veterinary Profession and Education
16 Mar 2017
WVA position on veterinary para-professionals
Veterinary para-professionals should conduct their duties under the guidance or direction of a veterinarian or within a veterinary health network.
Animal Welfare
25 Nov 2016
FS on Owned and Unowned Free-Roaming Dogs
Dog-mediated human rabies is an entirely preventable disease with appropriate dog vaccination.